Anxious Teen
Unlock the Techniques to Help Your Teen TODAY
You may well feel as if you are failing... be beyond frustrated... feel on your own with it all... like you are running out of options... and desperate for someone to help.
Stay steady, calm & centred
Have a better understanding of your teen's struggles and know how to respond
Feel confident & reassured, knowing you are on the right track
Feel more connection & trust with your teen
Start to see the changes
You constantly question if you are doing the right thing
You feel like you are treading on eggshells, just waiting for the next crisis to hit
You're on yet another waiting list - hoping, wishing, praying that this time something will work
You feel exhausted from firefighting family tensions
You dread phonecalls from school, or you have given up trying to make them go
You've tried therapy but they won't engage, it's not working or they pointblank refuse to try
You feel at a complete loss as to what to try next
We get it!
Parenting a teen with anxiety can be incredibly tough and the effects can ripple through the whole family.
That is why we are here to support you every step of the way - with insights, guidance, tools and strategies to help you parent with more confidence, conviction and control.
And ultimately, to support your teen to grow through and out of their anxiety without therapy, medication or meltdowns!
The Ultimate Success Framework for Parents of Anxious Teens
One of the most common things a parent of an anxious teen feels (aside from the worry), is CONFUSED.
Confused about why their teen feels like they do, confused about what to do for the best and confused about what will (or will not) work...
This is NOT a C we want in the mix! Instead we offer a simple success framework that encompasses:
With the 7~C's to Happy framework, we give you the step-by-step tools that will really move the needle on your relationship with your teen ~ and their relationship with themselves ~ taking you both from confused to confident.
And from Anxious to A~OK!
New episodes every week with me, guest experts and YOU. Feel the worry drain away, the hope rising and the confidence growing.
Sharing top strategies on exactly HOW to help your anxious teen, find Your Teen, Anxiety & You on your favourite podcast platform and subscribe today...
The fastest & easiest way to get you to your goal!
Join the TAPS Members Club for unrivalled support, step-by-step guidance, an amazing community to help you on the tougher days, and peace of mind that you are on the right track.
And then feel the relief as you see things change...
Weekly inspiration delivered to your inbox, with insights, tools & strategies to use with your teen. And a regular dose of motivation & mindset magic that will help you keep going...!
Plus exclusive offers and bonuses ONLY available to subscribers...
When your teen expresses constant negativity, it is a sign they are struggling internally...
Getting a teen to open up is hard! We've all had the shrugs, the 'I don't know's' & the 'hand'...
When your teen rejects your help, this not a rejection of you, it is a rejection of their situation ...
Take our 5~minute quiz to know exactly where you are at,
and what to do to move forward with CONFIDENCE
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