Sulky unhappy teenager girl stands with her back to her mother as the mother folds her arms in disagreement

Breaking Through Resistance. What to do when your anxious teen refuses all help

February 24, 20255 min read

“The huge resistance you are witnessing in your teen is largely down to fear, their natural stress responses & a fundamental belief that there is something wrong with them"

When your teen rejects your help, this is not a rejection of you, it is a rejection of their situation. But as parents, we want nothing more than to protect and nurture our children.

We may offer help, suggest therapy or counselling to help with the anxiety, but many teens refuse to engage. They may become defensive, argumentative, or simply shut down.

So, what can we do when our anxious teenagers refuse all help?

To listen, rather than read & to get the full low-down, hop over to the podcast ep!⤵️


Understanding your resistant teen

First and foremost, it's important to understand that our teens' refusal to seek help is not a sign of stubbornness or deliberate obstruction. Their brains are still developing, and seeking support may feel like a sign of weakness or punishment to them.

They may be embarrassed, ashamed, or simply unsure of how to articulate their feelings. They may also fear the unknown, worry about confidentiality, or believe that therapy won't work.

But there is also something else at play. And that is your teens' natural stress responses.

The Role of Stress Responses

A crucial factor in understanding our teens' resistance to help is recognising the role of their natural stress responses. These responses, also known as instincts, are primal and ancestral.

They are the body's physiological reactions to perceived threats or danger. While fight, flight, and freeze are commonly known stress responses, there are others that can manifest in our anxious teens:

the words stress response system written in red paint on a wooden background

  • The run instinct (flight) is when our teens try to escape from their problems. This could be by simply leaving a room , or by engaging in self-destructive behaviours such as substance abuse or self-harm.

  • The fight instinct is when they 'fight back' (arguments, defensiveness, anger), largely because they don't want to lose control or feel controlled by someone else.

  • The freeze instinct is when they feel frozen in their current discomfort (think rabbit in the headlights).

  • The disassociation instinct is when they mentally check out from their problems, pretending they don't exist.

  • The numbing instinct is when they emotionally shut down to avoid feeling pain.

  • The hiding instinct is when they withdraw from others and hide away, physically or emotionally.

  • The surrender instinct is when they believe nothing can change and give up trying.

  • Finally, the vomit instinct is when they feel physically sick at the thought of change or the unknown.


Seeing Beyond the Behaviour

Understanding these stress responses allows us to see beyond the behaviours our teens may exhibit. It helps us realise that their resistance is driven by fear, biological instincts and often, by a belief that there is something fundamentally wrong with them.

It's crucial not to join in with this narrative or see them as broken. Instead, we must hold them in a space of understanding, compassion, and unconditional love.

So How Can You Help?

When our teens refuse help, even from us, we need to shift our approach. Instead of speaking to them as if they need fixing, we should relate to them as someone who is struggling but worthy of support.

We must let them know that we understand their pain and are there to support them no matter what.

By speaking to them in this way, we can help them see that there is a different narrative - one that acknowledges their struggles but also recognises their potential and inherent worth.

The Power of Parental Support

As parents, we are the ones our teens feel safest with. We are the ones they can call on at any time, day or night. We have access to them 24/7.

By becoming their champion and holding them in a space of love and understanding, we can help dispel their negative self-perceptions.

We can help them believe in themselves and their ability to overcome their struggles.

Mother and unhappy teenager daughter sitting on sofa with mother comforting teenager by putting her hand on her face

Seeking Support for Ourselves

At the same time as supporting our anxious teens, it's essential not to neglect our own well-being.

Seeking support for ourselves, whether from friends, family, or a therapist, is crucial.

It allows us to navigate the challenges of parenting an anxious teen and ensures that we can provide the support they need effectively.

Moving forward

When our anxious teenagers refuse all help, it can be disheartening and leave us feeling helpless. However, by understanding their resistance and the role of stress responses, we can approach the situation with empathy and compassion.

We must relate to our teens as someone who is struggling but worthy of support, and we must hold them in a space of unconditional love. By doing so, we can help them see beyond their negative self-perceptions and believe in their own potential.

In the future, as our teens grow and develop, they may become more open to seeking professional help. However, the support and understanding we provide as parents will always be invaluable.

By leading with love, compassion, and understanding, we can help our anxious teens navigate their struggles and find their own path to healing and growth.

What next?

Check out this podcast episode on a similar topic! ⤵️


**Disclaimer: This article is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the reader's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist or other qualified professional, diagnosis or treatment

Moira Healy is the Founder of Teen Anxiety & You, podcast host, youth advocate and mum to one teenage boy

Moira Healy

Moira Healy is the Founder of Teen Anxiety & You, podcast host, youth advocate and mum to one teenage boy

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